Friday, November 14, 2008

Did Hogan say it or not? "We know that HIV causes AIDS."

Speech by the Minister of Health Ms Barbara Hogan at the HIV vaccine research conference
13 - 16 October 2008, Cape Town, ICC

From the TAC site:

......This meeting will surely instil hope in the majority of people in South Africa who are looking to science for evidence –based prevention interventions for HIV such as a vaccine or microbicide.

We know that HIV causes AIDS. The science of HIV and AIDS is one of one of the most researched subject in the medical field. The social science of the epidemic is still to catch up to this level. Since its discovery as the cause of AIDS in the early 1980s, the end is still not near in the road towards the discovery of an effective vaccine against HIV.

As the basic and medical science of HIV and AIDS evolved, the epidemic continued to grow rapidly in South Africa. In 1982 the first person with AIDS died in South Africa......

From the DOH site:

......This meeting will surely instil hope in the majority of South Africans who are looking up to science for solutions to HIV and AIDS.

The science of HIV and AIDS is one of one of the most researched subject in the medical field. The social science of the epidemic is still to catch up to this level. Since its discovery as the cause of AIDS in the early 1980s, the end is still not near in the road towards the discovery of an effective vaccine against this disease.

As the basic and medical science of HIV and AIDS evolved, the epidemic continued to spread like a real virus in the South Africa. It's in the late 1980s that the first cases of HIV and AIDS were identified in this country......

Why the difference in what is reported to have been said by the new Minister of Health? What games are being played here and by whom?